
PimNote is a simple text editor for faster document access. It also combines the useful and lacking features of all other text editors.

Designed for knowledge management. One-click access to the recent file list helps you write a new idea to the related file quickly before forgetting it. The unlimited and searchable recent file list helps you easily reach an old file that was opened a long time ago. The one-click find history list and search help you type less. Text editors are the most powerful tool to keep knowledge because they're fast, robust, and available in all operating systems.

Designed for remote working. No freezing from a remote file monitoring/opening/writing when disconnected. Files are cached for offline use by just closing the application without closing the tabs. Auto reconnect the network drive while opening the file. Repeated file notifications are informed politely on the top bar instead of a pop-up dialog box that requires frequent actions and tends to be mispressed.

Download version 1.2.0 (381 KB) from here. Support Windows XP, Vista, 7, 10. Require .NET Framework 3.5 (no service pack required)
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Features in 2023 PimNote EditPlus Notepad++ VS Code
Launch fast, no waiting
One-click recent file list
Unlimited recent files
Search in recent files
Cache unclosed files
One-click find history list
Search in find history
Find not block document view
Highlight after typed
Count highlights
Reconnect network drives
Non-freezing UI
Multilingual shortcut keys
Reopen to last edited line
Always on top with shortcut
Auto reload file changed
Resolve file conflict politely
Detect content encoding
Window size on right click
Adjust menu font
Install on XP and Vista
Touchpad coasting
Thinkpad browser buttons
Mouse over or to see the definition.
PimNote Reviews
PimNote Reviews

Written in native C# to be fully compatible with Windows functionality such as controllable scrolling, error-free launching/closing, and Windows Recent Items adding. Windows programming is laborious to nearly impossible, mostly from the incomplete documentation. That's a reason why many modern Windows software have been created from the 3rd-party cross-platform languages but lack support for such functionality and are not backward compatible with the older Windows versions.


Add more friendly features that make life easier while trying to support researchers (paper writing) and programmers (coding). Many wierd features such as content filering, image display, and URL shortening can't be announced yet because I'm not sure whether they're possible.
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